Support freedom and privacy projects
If you are satisfied with our service and would like to support us, please choose any of the cryptocurrencies below to make a donation.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Please donate to the following Bitcoin address
Please donate to the following Dogecoin address
Please donate to the following Litecoin address
Please donate to the following Ethereum address
Create Dogecoin Mixing Order
Doge Amount ( ? ) :
to {{getShotAddress(item.InputAddress)}}
to {{getShotAddress(item.InputAddress)}}
DogeHero Code(?):
Receiving dogecoin address:
Time delay
Percentage distribution
Service fee: {{getFee()}}% - {{getDiscount()}}% (discount) ? = {{gettotalfee()}}% fee + {{gettotalextrafee()}} DOGE
Security level:
Fast payouts confirmation
Up to 24 hours of configurable delays
Up to 2 output addresses
Fast payouts confirmation
Up to 48 hours of configurable delays
Up to 5 output addresses
Premium plan for old valuable clients *
Up to 48 hours of configurable delays
Up to 5 output addresses
* Plan is valid till Jan 31, 2019
Fast payouts confirmation
Up to 96 hours of configurable delays
Up to 10 output addresses
You receive ?:
GET VALUE | TIME | Receive Address |
{{ amounts[$index] }} DOGE ({{ item.percent.toFixed(2) }}%) | immediately after {{ getItemDelay(item) }} | to {{getShotAddress(item.address)}} |
Please acknowledge these important terms:
- The incoming address is valid for 24 hours only.
- All further payments will be ignored.
- We do not retain any links between the incoming and target addresses after the transaction is processed.
- Prior to sending us coins, please download the Letter of Guarantee as proof of your transaction.
Copy and save Letter of a Guarantee